
Let us start our lesson by determining what it means to wait.

Wait: According to the dictionary, one of the meanings is, "To stay in one place or remain inactive in expectation (of something); hold oneself in readiness (for something).

The times in which we are living, calls for things and situations to be instant. Most of us will not wait.

The internet is one of those places where we turn to for knowledge. We can't wait, we need to know something immediately on any given subject. We use the search engine, and 9 times out of 10, we will find the answer. Not like days gone by where we depended on books, and the library to gain information.

If we don't want to wait to make a meal for ourselves, we prepare instant meals or eat fast food. If we want a new piece of clothing, we go to the store and buy it. In days gone by, many folk sewed their own garments.

If we want the latest vehicle, we trade our existing one in which we may have had for only a year, in order to buy the new one. All because we like to keep up with our neighbors. We can't wait to use the latest model. That may go for houses, etc.

We can't wait, and may wish to take a vacation to unknown places, and pay thousands of dollars, all because we are thirsty for adventure, and can't wait until a convenient time. We may enter lotteries, competitions, and any other means, in the hope of winning a vast some of money, so that we may spend it on whatever our hearts desire.

If you are a young lady who can't wait for the right man to come along to share your future, you will not wait, and rush off into a relationship that could bring you heartache, and the same for a young man.

We could go on and on about the word wait, but we will leave it there for awhile, let us ponder these thoughts. Look for the next lesson to find the answer to the word wait.

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