Wait on The Lord

Rise, take up your bed, and walk! John 5:8 KJV
  1. Rise up out of your affliction, situation, problem, etc.
  2. Take up your bed (of dependence)
  3. Walk! (Don't lay down, don't give up, don't slumber)
  • RISE (Because Jesus our Redeemer rose up from the grave, so can we)
  • TAKE UP YOUR BED (that bed of affliction, that problem or that situation, or whatever it may be)
  • WALK (Don't allow that affliction, that problem or that situation to keep you in a slumbering position, or in a position where you give up! Walk! Don't give up!

Wait on the Lord
Allow the Holy Spirit to do the work
Lean not on you own understanding
Keep the Joy of the Lord

By: Darlene Badenhorst


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